Designing a Home Office That Works For You!

Efficient Home Office Designs Maximize Space.

Whether you have a home office or just use a designated space to pay bills, a pleasant work space, free from needless clutter, fosters an environment for productivity and creativity. Feeling good in your office literally pays. We’ve designed many home offices – ranging from re-purposed bedrooms and living rooms to kitchen nooks and spare rooms in basements. Browse our gallery of office designs.

homeofficeGood home office design should be based on work flow including personal work space, equipment space, open and closed storage and above all, functionality. Here are a few tips to get your home office working for you:

  • Central intelligence. Those things you use the most — pens, stapler, post-it notes, etc. — should be kept together and easy-to-reach.
  • Keep it clean. Dust (especially from paper), cup rings, crumbs all accumulate. Wipe down surfaces, keyboards and mice regularly. Don’t forget about your computer monitor!
  • Go paperless. Consider investing in a document scanner. You may not be able to eliminate all of your documents, but shaving down your paper isn’t a bad thing. You will probably want to keep your manuals and warranties nearby in case of a home emergency — a trusty file drawer is good for these and any other documents you need to save.
  • Mind your cords. Phone chargers and other electronic accessories should be contained in a go-to place. Pesky wires such as power strips, extension cords and adapters can form a tangled mess, but there are products to keep them well managed or even camouflaged.
  • Limit excess. It’s tempting to stock-up on office supplies, but purchase and store only what you have space to accommodate and what you will use in a reasonable time frame.

Gearing up for a home office in the fall? Give us a call at 905.333.1322 to set up a complimentary consultation, pop in for a visit, or request a free quote. We’ll help you design a home office that works for you!
