Garage Organization Project in Burlington

Burlington Home Owners Want to Use Their Garage For Their Cars!

We understand. Lots of people today use their garage for “stuff storage” rather than “car storage”. But these homeowners were determined to use their garage for it’s intended purpose – AND store and easily access ladders and tools, garden decor, lawn/driveway maintenance equipment, and of course recycling and waste collection. It was as easy as 1-2-3.

Step One:  The purge. The couple cleaned up and cleared out the garage, deciding what needed to stay and what could go. Burlington offers “bulk” collection days – a great incentive for homeowners wanting to dispose of bulky items. It’s fascinating to see how much is actually left for pick up once the savvy scavengers have toured the neighbourhood.

garage before picture

Before Space Age Shelving installs AdjustAshelf wire storage and organizing system.

Step Two:  Inventory and Design. Contact Space Age Shelving Burlington and let us take an inventory what you want to organize. We’ll design a garage storage system that will work for you and your budget, using rugged and durable AdjustAshelf adjustable wire shelving and accessories.

Step Three: Install and Load Up. The standards, shelves, brackets and hooks were installed in less than an hour. In this case, Space Age Shelving did the installation. But you could install it yourself. Once everything was in place, the homeowner started hanging, stacking and storing everything for Fall. Sigh. We should also mention, none of the shelves had to be repositioned – that’s how good we are at design.

After Space Age Shelving installs AdjustAshelf wire storage and organizing system.

After Space Age Shelving installs AdjustAshelf wire storage and organizing system.

As the saying goes… “a place for everything and everything in its place”. Mission accomplished. Bring on winter (and summer too for that matter). These homeowners park their cars in the garage all year long! And you can too. Schedule a complimentary in-home consultation or get a free quote. Getting organized is easy with the pros at Space Age Shelving Burlington!
