Customized Standing Workstations and Desks

Are You Ready to Take a Stand?

standing desk Has it been suggested that you sit less and stand more while you work? Researchers are discovering that standing instead of sitting not only prevents weight gain, it can help people shed pounds!

Heathline reported that “in addition, the muscle activity from standing is associated with lower risks for strokes and heart attacks, researchers said.”

What’s the Difference Between Standing vs Sitting Desk Heights?

A standing desk is higher than a regular desk (typically 29″) and allows you to stand up while you work. How high should a standing desk be? Well, that depends on your height and body proportions. For instance, if you’re 5′-11″ then a standing desk  44″ high should work.  No doubt about it, working at a standing desk takes some getting used to, especially if you’ve been sitting down for decades, like us!

Interested in a standing desk for your office? Need something non-standard in size or out of the ordinary dimensions or design? Come talk to us at Space Age Shelving Burlington. We’ll help you figure out the size and shape that will work best for you and your space. Put it on (lockable) wheels and you’ll be able to take it anywhere you want to work.

The Closet and Storage Specialists at Space Age Shelving are always reaching new heights in fair pricing (the best prices – guaranteed) and exceptional customer service. Book your FREE consultation today. Remember, Christmas is coming up faster than you can say, “Oh Joy!” – and we have Gift Certificates! Clever us.
